lucky247casinonodepositbonus| Changes in LME non-ferrous metal warehouse receipts: copper decreased by 825 tons, aluminum decreased by 725 tons, and lead decreased by 2575 tons


News summary

lucky247casinonodepositbonus| Changes in LME non-ferrous metal warehouse receipts: copper decreased by 825 tons, aluminum decreased by 725 tons, and lead decreased by 2575 tons

Newsletter text

[Study on the impact of changes in non-ferrous metal warehouse receipts on the London Metal Exchange] Copper registered warehouse receipts reached 90925 tonslucky247casinonodepositbonus, 27625 tons of warehouse receipts were cancelled, indicating a decrease in copper market supply. At the same time, aluminum registered warehouse receipts were 153375 tons, and cancelled warehouse receipts were 340775 tons. In particular, cancelled warehouse receipts decreased by 725 tons compared with the previous day, reflecting the tight supply in the aluminum market. Nickel registered warehouse receipts were 73650 tons, and cancelled warehouse receipts were 4134 tons, and the cancellation volume decreased by 30 tons, indicating that the nickel market supply is tightening. Zinc registered warehouse receipts were 224150 tons, and cancelled warehouse receipts were 30300 tons. The cancellation volume increased slightly by 25 tons. The zinc market supply remained stable. Lead registered warehouse receipts were 150850 tons, cancelled warehouse receipts were 118800 tons, and the cancellation volume decreased by 2575 tons, reflecting the greater supply pressure in the lead market. 4195 tons of tin warehouse receipts were registered, and 540 tons of warehouse receipts were cancelled. The amount of cancellations increased by 40 tons, and the supply of tin in the market increased.

