playojonodepositbonus| Vietnam's crypto market approaches US$91 billion, and the government urgently formulates regulations to prevent risks


Vietnamese officials clarify: cryptocurrency has not been banned, calling for the establishment of a legal framework

The representative of the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam pointed out that the country did not ban cryptocurrencies, but stressed the need to formulate a correspondingPlayojonodepositbonusTo ensure its healthy development and guard against potential risks.

Cao Dang Vinh, Vietnam's vice minister of economy and civil legislation, said that at present, Vietnam does not have specific regulations governing the development of cryptocurrencies, so cryptocurrencies are not considered legitimate assets in the country. He stressed the importance of developing a legal framework for cryptocurrencies with the aim of preventing risk and illegal misappropriation.

playojonodepositbonus| Vietnam's crypto market approaches US billion, and the government urgently formulates regulations to prevent risks

According to the statistics of the Vietnam blockchain Association, as of September 2023, the market value of cryptocurrency in Vietnam is close to US $91 billion, of which the value of illegal transactions is about 9%.Playojonodepositbonus.56 billion US dollars.

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